Peter Idler
Lange Reihe 42 · 14532 Kleinmachnow
• – – Germany – – •
++49 33203 83960
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Hinweis zum Kontaktformular: Ich benötige deinen Namen, um dich ansprechen zu können und deine Mail-Adresse um dir antworten zu können. Je genauer du deine Anfrage stellst, desto effektiver kann ich darauf eingehen. Datenschutzhinweise: Deine Anfrage wird verschlüsselt übertragen. Du erklärst Dich damit einverstanden, dass Angaben zur Beantwortung deiner Anfrage verwenden darf.
Note on contact form: I need your name to be able to address you and your email address to answer you. The more accurately you make your request, the more effectively I can respond. Privacy Policy: Your request will be encrypted. You agree that information may be used to answer your request.
Note on contact form: I need your name to be able to address you and your email address to answer you. The more accurately you make your request, the more effectively I can respond. Privacy Policy: Your request will be encrypted. You agree that information may be used to answer your request.
Thank you!